Vetrus Solutions Blog | Revenue Operations Tips and Tools

Challenges Transitioning to Revenue Operations from Sales Operations

Written by Jenna | July 23, 2024

Transitioning from sales operations to revenue operations isn't just a shift in title, but rather a fundamental shift in perspective.

When RevLoop made  the change a few years ago, it was due to seeing that revenue isn't solely driven by the sales team's efforts but is a collaborative outcome of the collective efforts of marketing, sales, and customer success. Embracing this holistic view of revenue was crucial, as it illuminated the path to building sustainable, healthy companies. It's not merely about closing deals; it's about continuously delivering value to customers throughout their lifecycle.

However, transitioning to a revenue operations model isn't without its challenges. One of the primary hurdles is the lack of alignment between teams and their respective incentives. When teams operate in silos or pursue conflicting objectives, it hampers the seamless execution of a unified revenue strategy. Here are some common obstacles that organizations face:

1️⃣ Poorly defined hand-offs - Smooth hand-offs between teams are essential for preserving the customer experience. When these hand-offs are not well-defined or executed, it can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction among customers.
2️⃣ Disjointed metrics and targets - revenue team metrics and analytics should be connected so team members understand how the success of one department feeds into the others. Connected metrics foster collaboration and shared accountability.
3️⃣ Working in different systems - as nice as the best in class tech stack sounds, in reality, for most teams, managing and working in too many systems is a recipe for misalignment. Streamlining systems and processes is crucial for optimizing cross-team collaboration.
4️⃣ Lack of communication between teams - Regular communication and collaboration are vital for ensuring that the revenue engine runs smoothly. Teams need to meet frequently to discuss both strategic initiatives and tactical execution.
5️⃣ Lack of resources post sales - Many companies claim to be customer-centric but fall short when it comes to investing in post-sales resources. Adequate investment in CS is essential for retaining and growing client relationships.
6️⃣ Lack of visibility post sales - Understanding customer behavior and engagement post-sales is critical for nurturing long-term relationships. Companies that lack visibility into post-sales activities risk losing touch with their customers' evolving needs.
7️⃣ Difficulty predicting and preventing customer churn - Without sufficient resources and insights, predicting and preventing customer churn becomes challenging. Understanding customers' motivations and goals is key to enhancing retention and driving expansion opportunities.

In the upcoming weeks we will delve deeper into these obstacles and explore strategies that companies can employ to overcome them.

Stay tuned for actionable insights on optimizing revenue operations and driving sustainable growth.